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    HuaFang Group of China
    Textile trade

    This platform mainly engages in textile raw materials, finished product display and marketing, bonded warehousing, transportation, in importing textile raw materials such as cotton, polyester, and wool, and in international trade of cotton yarns, yarn-dyed fabrics, woolen fabrics, and etc.

    Huafang Group has gradually formed a complete industrial chain covering buying and selling raw materials, R&D, textiles production, warehouse and logistics, import and export trade, and etc.

    Zhangjiagang Jiaguangtian Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd.
    Tel: +86-512-58438750    Fax: +86-512-58441448

    Huafang Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.
    Tel: +86-512-58438867    Fax: +86-512-58438916

    Yisheng Asian Limited Company
    Tel: +86-512-58438222    Fax: +86-512-58438202

    Zhangjiagang Bonded Area Jinmianfang Trade Company
    Tel: +86-512-58438301    Fax: +86-512-58438302

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